New International Version of Bible is one of the familiar and most used versions after King James Version. The idea to develop this version originally initiated by an engineer named Howard Long. He thought to have a Bible which had more simpler and easily understandable terminology for the newly baptized believer rather than a complicated version which needed a dictionary to go through some of the hard words. His idea had been grown and being driven by few like minded people and they made this to happen in 1965.
Fifteen Bible translators formed a group an translated the original manuscripts of Bible which were in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. Many people who have difficulty in understanding the King James version would love to read NIV as it is easy and simple to understand.
Every year this version is being revised once and even an updated version of 2011 has also been successfully completed. This version has been carefully translated and edited by hundreds of bible scholars and translators throughout these years.
If you want to use the scriptures for non commercial usage like painting on walls of your church, using it in preparing tracts you are free to act but for commercial use you need to acquire permissions.
I have got a link of the PDF version of this bible given by AGES Digital Library. So to download New International Version of Bible in Portable Document Format (PDF) click on the below given link. You can view this PDF format in your favourite android devices like Samsung galaxy note, Samsung galaxy S4 etc. You can also buy the same in Amazon if you desire to have a hard copy of NIV version of Bible.
Disclaimer: The provided NIV Bible PDF is for personal or educational use and not intended for commercial distribution or any modifications to its content. The source or distributor of the file holds no responsibility for its usage beyond personal or educational purposes.
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