Pastor John Anosike serves as the President and Senior Pastor of New World Faith Ministries (Spirit Revelation Ecclesia), a vibrant and multicultural ministry located in Cape Town, South Africa. With a membership exceeding 8000, this dynamic ministry has become a beacon of spiritual growth and transformation in the region.

Born and bought up in a Christian family, Pastor John was introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age as his personal savior. Even as a child, he demonstrated a remarkable gift for ministering before large crowds in Crusades, showcasing his passion and love for sharing the Gospel with others.

One of the distinctive aspects of Pastor John's ministry is his exceptional anointing as a Teacher. With a rare ability to expound the scriptures in high revelation, he provides deep and profound insight into the Gospel of Christ and the message of grace. Through his teachings and sermons, Pastor John aims to encourage believers with a greater understanding of God's Word and empowering them to live victoriously in their faith.

In addition to his teaching ministry, Pastor John Anosike operates in a powerful anointing for healing and miracles. The supernatural manifestations of God's power have been witnessed in his ministry, where unusual healings and miracles have taken place. These miraculous encounters serve as a testimony to Pastor John's faith and the transformative power of God at work through him.

Beyond his ministry engagements, Pastor John is also an accomplished author. He has penned several books, including the highly sought-after daily devotional titled "Heaven In Your Day." These writings provide readers with spiritual nourishment, guiding them in their daily walk with God and helping them experience the heavenly realm in their everyday lives.

Pastor John Anosike is blessed with a supportive partner in ministry, Pastor Ola, who is also a servant of God. Together, they stand as an example of a godly marriage and committeds to each other and their shared vision of advancing the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, the Lord has blessed Pastor John and Pastor Ola with four lovely daughters, further enriching their lives and providing a foundation of love and faith within their family.

Currently residing in Cape Town, South Africa, Pastor John Anosike continues to impact lives through his ministry, spreading the message of God's love, grace, and power. His dedication to teaching, coupled with his anointing for healing and miracles, has positioned him as a significant spiritual leader, inspiring believers to walk in the fullness of God's purposes for their lives.

Pastor John Anosike's Ministry

Pastor John Anosike's ministry has a broad scope and extends its arms wide to embrace the entire body of Christ. He welcomes all who seek his spiritual guidance and coverage, recognizing the importance of unity within the Church.

He often says that his ministry is not of the pulpit but is being custodian of the unseen realms.

With a global perspective, Pastor John has been commissioned by God to raise a new generation of ministers who will operate in the realms of Sonship and the Supernatural. Through revelation and impartation, he equips and empowers these ministers to lead their congregations with selflessness and a focus on spiritual independence.

The goal of Pastor John's ministry is to activate a domino effect, where these ministers, in turn, lead their own flocks and folds into spiritual independence. This spiritual autonomy, combined with unity in faith, is believed to have a transformative impact on the Body of Christ as a whole.

Pastor John Anosike envisions a future where the ministry of the Five-fold—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—reaches its ultimate culmination. The harmonious collaboration and functioning of these five ministry gifts are seen as vital in bringing about the unity of the faith and the maturation of the Church.

By focusing on raising a new generation of ministers, activating the realm of Sonship and the Supernatural, and promoting spiritual independence within a context of unity, Pastor John Anosike seeks to play a significant role in advancing the purposes of God and the growth of the Body of Christ globally.

Pastor John Anosike on Raising the Dead

Pastor John Anosike's ministry encompasses the powerful belief in the ability of believers to raise the dead, which he sees as an integral part of the Gospel of Immortality. Through his sermons and teachings, Pastor John throws light that God has bestowed upon believers the power and authority to perform such miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.

One notable account associated with Pastor John is the claim that he witnessed a young man being raised back to life during a live service through the supernatural intervention of God. This extraordinary event serves as a testament to his faith and the manifestation of God's power in his ministry.

To gain further insight into Pastor John Anosike's teachings, sermons, and experiences, interested individuals are encouraged to explore his videos on YouTube or follow him on Facebook. 

In one of his recent sermons on raising the death Pastor John has taught on his early experiences of how he failed to raise the death and how he later went into wilderness for 3 days on complete dry fast and caught the revelation of what his missed,

You should definitely run through his video on raising the dead posted in his official YouTube channel. 

It's important to approach these accounts with discernment and personal conviction, as beliefs and experiences surrounding miracles can vary within the Christian faith. Engaging with Pastor John's videos and teachings can provide a more comprehensive understanding of his perspective and the testimonies associated with his ministry.

The Gospel of Sonship and Immortality

The Gospel of Sonship and Immortality encompasses the profound belief in the transformation and restoration of believers into incorruptible, mature individuals who fulfill the purpose of becoming a perfect man, as mentioned in Ephesians 4:13. The ultimate goal is to bring about the manifestation of the "Sons of God" that creation eagerly anticipates before the final appearance of Jesus.

Central to this gospel is the understanding that believers, through Christ, are empowered to rule and reign over creation as God originally intended. By breaking the power of sin and death, Jesus enables believers to be restored to their original state and even stronger. The gift of life, specifically eternal life, is emphasized as a powerful force that cannot be cut short or terminated. It is through this eternal life that believers become inseparable from God, reflecting the depth of His love.

These truths are passionately proclaimed from the depths of the heart by proponents of the Gospel of Sonship and Immortality. The message centers around the idea that through Christ's sacrifice, believers can experience a profound transformation, living as empowered sons and daughters of God, equipped to fulfill their divine purpose.

It is important to note that teachings regarding these concepts may vary within different Christian denominations. Therefore, individuals are encouraged to study and discern these teachings according to their personal convictions and in alignment with biblical principles.

The Gospel of Sonship and Immortality serves as a reminder of God's redemptive plan, His love for humanity, and the extraordinary possibilities available to believers through their relationship with Christ.


John Anosike

Date of Birth

30 April 1975


Calculated based on current date


President and Senior Pastor


New World Faith Ministries (Spirit Revelation Ecclesia)


Cape Town, South Africa


Pastor Ola


Four daughters


Teacher, Prophet, Apostle of Power


Gospel of Christ and Grace, Gospel of Immortality


THE BIGGEST LIE - Satan Was Never An Archangel in Heaven, "Heaven In Your Day" (daily devotional)

Church Name

New World Faith Ministries (Spirit Revelation Ecclesia)

Ministry Description

Multi-cultural, highly dynamic ministry with over 8000 members

About his Book "Satan was Never An Archangel in Heaven":

This book is written with accurate biblical hermeneutics, The scriptural references are in context and Interpretations are based on the author’s intention of meaning; historically, grammatically, culturally as well as conventions and literary forms. We understand the natural instinct to oppose what seems to be coming against inculcated norms but someone took the first bold step in receiving the set norms that be now.

Moses was openhearted to receive God’s fresh move of the time and the disciples of Jesus were openhearted to discern the ‘Moses move’ was over and a new chapter had begun in Christ. The Pharisees did not give the revelation of Jesus a chance; hindering the fresh move of God from hitting a higher scale & making master-impact. We therefore ask you to be one of the first that would receive what God is saying now -through this book and have an open minded read. We are open to hear your thoughts. You are welcome to disagree. Pastor John wrote this book in good conscience not to cause conflict or appear superior above anyone but in pure love for the Body of Christ and The Church of Jesus to know their true positioning and gain greater spiritual victories.

Read: Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn

5 تعليقات

  1. Thank you very much

  2. God bless you, thank you for this powerful piece

  3. No me convence

  4. No me convence todo lo que hace...

  5. The doctrine of the manifest sons of God is false .We will not be perfect before Christ returns..


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