Bible has many end time predictions which are been spoken in parables as well as warned in the form of signs by Lord Jesus Christ. Especially this year 2012 had been a remarkable year for dealing with end of the world as shared in many social networking sites and many websites. But as the scripture says no one knows the hour not even the Son nor the angels but only Father knows, we or no angel are supposed to declare an exact time for the end of the world but yes of course one can predict the season or times depending on the signs taking place around us. So present times can be said as the end times as we can see many earthquakes, famines, news on wars, etc taking place around us.

I have just collected a beautiful end time video which portrays few of the final events as mentioned in the Holy Bible. This presentation is an eye opener and also a good source of knowledge for those who are very much interested to know the end time facts. Just watch the video below.  

The Final Events of Bible Prophecy is a gripping 43-minute documentary on last-day events. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor, this amazing video leads you step by step through seven end-time "events" including signs of the end, Christ's return, the millennium, and more. If you like the video and interested to share you can do so by visiting here.

Featuring stunning special effects and a rich music soundtrack, this one-of-a-kind presentation is packed with Bible references that give you a clear and straightforward look at what the Bible really has to say about the last days of earth history. An awesome resource to share in a study groups or with friends and family!

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