عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2011

Famine-Breaking Generosity ~ sermon by Kris Vallotton

Kris says most of the parables which Jesus spoke are about money. He shares how one can be free from poverty and ent…

Collection of Prophet TB Joshua's quotes from Sermons

Previously I have posted testimony of prophet TB Joshua who is the founder of  SCOAN Synagogue Church of All Nation…

Christmas Tree Wallpapers for Download HD [1024x768]

As the origin of Santa Claus has no perfect information Christmas tree also does not have any perfect prior inform…

Today's New International Version (TNIV Bible) in PDF

The Today's New International Version (TNIV) is a continuing work of the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) f…

Testimony of Shyam Kishore Brother (JCNM, Hyderabad)

Brother Shyam Kishore is not an unknown name in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. He is a powerful man of God who stated hi…

Wallpapers of Santa Claus for Download [1024x768]

Santa Claus is a non Biblical term but came some where around mid 18th century. It is believed that the name Santa…

Holy – Jesus Culture by Kim Walker (Lyrics+Chords)

HOLY HOLY is a beautiful song sung by Kim Walker in one of their live worship and finds a special place in Jesus …

Have you ever felt that you lost the race? Don't worry!

Did you ever felt you were unable to live a life that pleases God. You always wanted to have a good prayer life or…

Ascharyakarudu Alochanakartha-Rojantha Video+Lyrics

Rojantha tagged At His feet is a sensational telugu christian devotional album by Joel Kodali. Music director for th…

Gold Dust at Bethel Church,CA on 13th November 2011

Bethel Church at Redding,CA is one of the kingdom cultured churches of present generation. Headed by Pastor Bill J…

Protocol's of the Palace - Developing a Kingdom Culture

Protocol's of Palace are some of the beautiful inspirational quotes made by Tommy Tenney in one of his books Fin…

Testimony of Prophet T. B. Joshua (SCOAN)

Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua usually called as T. B. Joshua is not an unknown name. This man of God is always talk…

Bro Shyam Kishore's Sermon on Faith Talking

Faith Talking is a sermon preached by Bro Shyam Kishore of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministries (JCNM), Hyderabad.…

My Soul Longs For You - Jesus Culture (Lyrics+Chords)

My Soul Longs For You is a beautiful worship song sung by Chris Quilala and Kim Walker-Smith in one of their…

Heidi Baker Interview with CBN ~ Intimacy for Miracles

Heidi Baker was ready to call it quits until she received a sudden life-changing touch from God. In 1995, Heid…

New Revised Standard Version(NRSV)+Apocrypha in pdf

This Bible translation is a contemporary revision of the 1952 Revised Standard Version, which was in turn based on …

Light Of Your Face - Kim Walker (Lyrics+Chords)

This song is written by Misty Edwards and is sung by Kim Walker-Smith a team member of Jesus Culture. This song i…

Kim Walker - Testimony About How God Loves Us

Kim Walker is a passionate worshiper and also one of the key members in the worship team of Bethel church and Jesu…

Show me Your Face LORD-Brian Johnson(lyrics+chords)

Brian and Jenn Johnson are the senior worship pastors at Bethel Church in Redding, California. They are also the hea…

Billy Graham - Celebrating his 93 Birthday

Evangelist Billy Graham one of the mighty vessels of God is celebrating his 93rd Birthday. He was born November 7, 19…

Supernatural Faith - Smith Wigglesworth

This is an extract from one of the sermons of Smith Wigglesworth where he speaks about the second kind of faith whic…

Shyam Kishore Brother's Sermon on Eternal Spirit

Bro Shyam Kishore is a Man of God who delivers messages with revelation for the Church in this End Time. His message…

Journey To The Sky - Sadhu Sundar Singh (Biography)

Sadhu Sundar Singh was born into a Sikh family in India and was made to sit at the feet of an Indian sadhu every wee…

Download New International Version (NIV) of Bible in PDF

NIV Bible  (New International Version Holy  Bible ) is given below for free  download  as  PDF .  Download NIV Bib…

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